The Dysmorphology, Bone and Cartilage Screen of the GMC contributes the phenotyping for bone and cartilage related phenotypes as well as for morphological abnormalities. The aim of the screen is to establish mouse models for human skeletal diseases like osteoporosis, scoliosis, limb defects, osteogenesis imperfecta or osteoarthritis.
Primary Screen
For the primary screen, we cover a broad spectrum of parameters of bone development, bone metabolism and homeostasis. We have implemented an experimental set up, which enables us to perform high throughput non-invasive first-line phenotyping for bone and cartilage abnormalities. In addition, we developed a protocol (54 parameters) for a quick anatomical observation of animals, which is able to detect and evaluate malformations and malfunctions of the different organ systems.
1. Dysmorphological Analysis:
Quick and easy whole body check up for anatomical abnormalities and malfunctions in different organ systems.

2. X-ray Analysis:
Within a few seconds the whole mouse skeleton can be visualised, X-rays of special parts can be obtained in higher magnification, enabling us to:
- Judge the appearance and presence of all bones and joints.
- Gather information about developmental disorders and, to a minor extent, bone metabolic disorders.
3. Bone densitometry:
With dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), the mouse skeleton can be analysed allowing:
- Rapid quantitative measurements of bone mineral density and body composition.
- Study of bone mineralisation and homeostasis defects (e.g., osteoporosis, osteogenesis imperfecta).
Secondary Screen
In secondary tests, we evaluate mutants with altered parameters in the primary screen as model systems for human bone related diseases like scoliosis, limb defects, osteoporosis, osteogenesis imperfecta or osteoarthritis by more detailed phenotypic characterisation.
1. Micro computed tomography (µCT):
- Provides a detailed view of the abnormality (in vivo imaging with a resolution down to 9 microns).
- Enables volumetric bone density measurements in g/cm³ of the appendicular skeleton and tail vertebra. Separate analysis of cortical and trabecular bone compartments (BMD, BMC, bone area).

2. Markers of bone formation and resorption:
- Upon request, analysis of bone formation and resorption markers in serum/plasma by ELISA can be performed.
3. Mechanical bending: three-point bend test (long term availability):
- Measurement of the elastic-plastic bone material properties and fracture parameters.
4. Skeleton preparation:
- Staining with alcian blue (cartilage) and alizarin red (bone)
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